Sept. 25, 2024

Fantastic Fall Routines: 15 Ways to Supercharge Your Weight Loss

Fantastic Fall Routines: 15 Ways to Supercharge Your Weight Loss

Are you ready to revitalize your weight loss journey as the leaves change color and the air turns crisp? Autumn isn't just about pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters—it's the perfect time to shake up your routine and reignite your motivation.

Join Dr. Holly Wyatt and Dr. Jim Hill as they unveil 15 game-changing fall routines to transform your approach to weight loss. From mouthwatering low-calorie snacks to heart-pumping outdoor activities, these expert-crafted strategies will help you sail through the season with renewed energy and purpose. This episode is packed with fresh ideas to keep you inspired and on track.

Discussed on the episode:

  • The surprising fall foods that can boost your weight loss efforts
  • How to turn your crock-pot into a secret weapon for healthy eating
  • A fun, fall-themed activity that burns calories without feeling like exercise
  • The mindset shift that can make weight loss feel effortless this season
  • Why making new connections could be the key to reaching your goals
  • The hosts' personal fall routine challenges (and how you can join in!)


00:00 - None

00:31 - Let's Dive In

02:49 - Fall Routines Breakdown

06:46 - High-Fiber Fall Foods

08:25 - Crock Pot Comfort

10:50 - Low-Calorie Snacks

13:01 - Healthy Party Platters

13:54 - Evening Veggies Boost

13:59 - Physical Activity Routines

15:30 - Fun Fall Activities

19:18 - Mindset Routines

26:55 - Choosing Your Routine

28:51 - Listener Questions

33:15 - Personal Routine Commitments

36:54 - Engage with Our Audience


Jim Hill: Welcome to Weight Loss And, where we delve into the world of weight loss. I'm Jim Hill.

Holly Wyatt: And I'm Holly Wyatt. We're both dedicated to helping you lose weight, keep it off, and live your best life while you're doing it.

Jim Hill: Indeed, we now realize successful weight loss combines the science and art of medicine, knowing what to do and why you will do it.

Holly Wyatt: Yes, the “And” allows us to talk about all the other stuff that makes your journey so much bigger, better, and exciting.

Jim Hill: Ready for the “And” factor?

Holly Wyatt: Let's dive in.

Jim Hill: Here we go. If you joined us last week, you'll remember that we covered a five-step checklist to help you get ready for weight loss this fall. As the days get shorter and the weather cools down, it's easy for motivation to dip. That's why we emphasized having a solid plan in place and finding something to get excited about as we move into this new season.

Holly Wyatt: Yes, Jim. I agree with this. I love the fall, just like we were talking about last week, is a perfect time. I think it's a fantastic opportunity to lose a few pounds and then maintain them through that holiday period like we talked about. And I think it feels good to start 2025 in a new place. And that's what I'm working on.

That's what gets me excited. So I think if you didn't listen to that checklist, go back and listen to it. If you're thinking about losing a few pounds this fall, I think that can help you get started. And the last piece about checklist, we talked about new routines to put a new routine in place.

Jim Hill: Yeah, that's right. And we put together 15. Yes, 15 fall routines to help keep you on track. We're going to break these down into three categories. We're going to give you five routines around food, five around physical activity, and five around mindset.

You notice our three big things, what you eat, how you move, and how you think. And remember, you don't need to do them all. We're going to give you a list and we recommend you choosing just a few that resonate with you. And seems like they may make an impact on your journey.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. The goal is definitely to find what works best for you. Some of these routines, you'll be like, that didn't excite me at all. Well, that's not a good one for you. But out of this 15, I think you can find a few that really can help you out this fall. And the idea is new routines help you maintain your body weight and they help you shake things up.

You know, when we do the same thing over and over again, it's not exciting, but new routines can really make it more exciting and help you on your journey.

Jim Hill: Yeah. And to make it even more fun, Holly, we're not here just to talk at our listeners. We're going to be in it with them. You and I are going to be sharing which routines we're planning to implement this fall and why we make, we think they will make a difference in our lives. So stick around. We've got a lot of inspiration to share and I promise you won't want to miss a minute of it.

Holly Wyatt: So, Jim, I can't wait to hear which of these fall routines that you're going to put into place. I've been waiting all day for this one. I, these these things that I put in place a lot, but I can't wait to hear which ones you put in place.

Jim Hill: Well, I will admit I had to work on this one. This was not easy for me, but I have my choices that we'll talk about.

Holly Wyatt: I love that you're going, you're willing to play the game though. You're willing, you're willing to do it. So, but before we jump in and start on the 15 fall routines, let's remind our listeners, what is a routine?

Jim Hill: Well, a routine is a little nudge that makes a more challenging behavior easier. It's kind of like a secret weapon for staying on track. So think about routines. One people always talk about is brush your teeth. You don't in the morning or evening think about, oh my gosh, should I brush my teeth?

You have a routine where for me right before I go to bed, I go in the bathroom, I brush my teeth. I don't have to think about it. Another one is maybe driving to work. How many times have you got to work and you're there and you're safe, but you don't remember much about the trip. So, it's a way that your brain is on automatic. Our brain spends a lot of time on changes, paying attention to things that are different. But a lot of our behavior is regular sorts of things. So as you go forward, what you're going to find is you already have a lot of routines.

Some of those may be good. Some of those may be counterproductive to what you do and you want to develop new ones. But a routine is a way of making a behavior automatic so you don't have to think about it each time.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah, I like to tell people if you're struggling with something, if there's a hard behavior that you're struggling with to try to think of an easier routine, routines tend to be easy. They're They're they're not the hard thing you're trying to do, like exercise every single day. That's a hard routine for some people.

What you want to do is try to make a little bite size nudge, something that you can do easier that will make what you're struggling with more likely to occur. You You so brushing your teeth helps you out with not, not getting cavities, right? That, you know, that's a hard thing. But you can get into habit of just brushing your teeth or the routine of just brushing your teeth then that makes it easier. So I like to think about routines when people say I'm struggling with this, Dr. Holly.

This is where I'm falling down. One of the first things I go to is, okay, what little helpful routine can we put in place that could make a big difference? And that's what really these are, things that could make a big difference and make it easier for you this fall.

Jim Hill: Okay, you want to jump in?

Holly Wyatt: All right. So what are we going to start with?

Jim Hill: Let's start with the fall food routines. First one is add two to three high-fiber fall foods each week. Now the reason, Holly, is fiber fills you up, makes you feel full and satisfied. Okay.

So what are we talking about? High fiber foods, pumpkin. We stay to slim. We We pumpkin in a lot of recipes. Apples, love apples, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, some people like those, pears, butternut squash, carrots. I love carrots. You know that. Beets, parsnips, and kale. So these are some of the things that you can try. Get in a routine of doing two to three of these each week.

Holly Wyatt: And I love that you picked fall foods. These are things that we associate with the fall.

Jim Hill: You think apple and pumpkin in the fall, a squash?

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. So that makes it mean you can have some variety, switch things up. And that's what I think is very helpful. I think so many times we get in a rut and we don't want to eat what we've been eating for the last six months or over the summer. Seasons are changing.

The foods we have available to us are changing. This is a perfect way. Pick these foods that have high fiber as some new foods to introduce. And if you do the two to three high-fiber foods each week, increase your fiber. And that can help with satiety like you talked about. And I think can help it make it easier for you to stay on plan.

Jim Hill: Yeah. And most nutritionists would recognize that at least in the U.S., we don't really get enough fiber. And anything we can do to increase fiber is going to help.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. And we've done, some of our other podcasts have talked about all the positive things. The gut microbiome and fiber, we're just starting to do that.

Jim Hill: And increases GLP-1.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. So, so many things. I mean, fiber is becoming really popular. So, here's a quick and easy way, just two to three.

Jim Hill: I would say most of these foods are pretty good. There are a couple that are, would be a struggle, but for most of them they're really good foods.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. And don't pick the struggle ones. Pick the ones that you like and introduce them.

Jim Hill: So, there you go. All right. What's the second one, Holly?

Holly Wyatt: All right. The second one is one that I do every fall. And it's something I get excited about. So, as we move from summer to fall, this new fall routine is to try a new crock-cock meal each week. So, some of them we're like a lot of, you know, I like fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's hot. But when we start to move into the fall, I start to want that kind of comfort, warm food. And the idea is, can you kind of develop a new recipe every week that you could cook in a crock-pot? So, think pumpkin chili. That's one of my favorites.

Jim Hill: Yeah. I like pumpkin chili too. That's one of my favorites.

Holly Wyatt: And you get the fiber from the pumpkin in there. Anyway, so you're hitting both of them. But think about one each week that you can do that, you know, feels new and fresh and fun for the fall. But in general, a lot of times crock-pot meals, you can make them low energy density. You can design them where they're lower calorie, but it's kind of sneaky, right? So, I like this because it also helps with prepping. You know, if you do one crock-pot meal a week, you make more than you need and you have several meals. So, that kind of helps with that prepping that can be hard, that planning and prepping for your food. Love it. Love it.

Jim Hill: All right, Holly. Number three, design a fall snack that's low in calories but satisfying. I like this. Again, we like things that taste good, right? And we snacks, American snacks. So, you aren't going to snack. So, the idea here is create something that's low in calories, but taste good and it's satisfying. For example, I love these examples, baked cinnamon apples, hmm. Greek yogurt bark. I don't even know what that is, Holly. What's Greek yogurt bark?

Holly Wyatt: If you've heard of like bark, it's usually with like chocolate, and it's kind of this, a lot of times in the holidays, you have holiday bark and it can be made out of chocolate and different things, but this is like a recipe. You take Greek yogurt, which is healthier. You actually freeze it. We put a recipe on Stata Slim with this, but you- Sounds good, actually. Yeah, so it's like being creative but making something really unique that's fun that you get excited about, but that's lower in calories. It's not the full-calorie stuff.

Jim Hill: And the third example is another Greek yogurt-based thing. We like Greek yogurt. I think it can really be used with a lot of things. So, try Greek yogurt with pumpkin puree, pumpkin again, and a dash of nutmeg, very fallish. So, think about creating some interesting, satisfying, low-calorie snacks and play around with it. You may come up with some other things. Greek yogurt, there are lots of things you can add to Greek yogurt.

Holly Wyatt: So, there's lots of things you can do. The key with a routine is to think about it ahead and to know what you're going to have. You know, if you're not planned, you're going to grab a snack and it's probably going to be higher in calories. But if you spend a little bit of time and have this ready, know what it is, have some ingredients in your house, then it's pretty easy. And you can stay on plan, lose weight, and still have a snack and feel satisfied.

Jim Hill: Yeah, that's the key. Think of all these as routines, things that you can make sort of automatic in the fall.

Holly Wyatt: All right, the next one is, and this is one that I need to do better on. I'm not a really good at cooking and designing foods, but I like this one. Create a healthy party platter for fall gatherings. So, you know, we're kind of moving into the time of year where there's going to be more parties, there's going to be more get-togethers. Maybe it's for football games and then we'll go into the holidays, you know, but we're going to start to get together more to eat and to eat as a group or to eat as a family. So, when you're invited to one of these get-togethers where everybody brings something or you have people come into your house, can you have a go-to party platter that's healthy that you can eat, that will stay on plan, that you know how to make, that you just become second nature? This is what I bring to the parties. This is what I bring to tailgating. And do you share it with other people?

Jim Hill: I love it. That's a great routine. So, whenever it's time for a party platter, you know, you've got your go-to. You know what it's like and play around with getting it like you want. And then you have a wonderful routine. I love that, Holly.

Holly Wyatt: So, I use vegetables and stuff and then I have this protein dip that you really can't tell that it's not a high-fat dip because I use the Greek yogurt, so it's high protein in it. Use some of the same seasonings, but play with it. You can develop some pretty good stuff and people won't even know that it's healthy.

Jim Hill: All right. The last one, Holly, incorporate frozen veggies into two evening meals a week. Why? Hopefully, unless you've been under a rock, you understand the importance of veggies. They fill you up.

They're low energy density. So, this is just a quick and easy way to boost your veggie intake. Frozen vegetables. They're easy enough to heat up and put them into two evening meals a week. That can be a routine and you can change it up with different frozen vegetables, but get in the habit of doing at least two.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. This came to me because as I moved from summer to fall, I usually, I have trouble getting my veggies in because the veggies aren't plentiful. I've been going to farmers markets that's going to start to end. I have trouble getting the veggies in. So, kind of saying, okay, I'm going to buy some frozen vegetables.

I'm going to keep it in my house. They're going to be easy and ready to go to. And I'm going to just throw them in twice a week and get used to that as you transition. It's a little bit different than what I did in the summer. It's a new habit, a routine for the fall.

Jim Hill: Okay. Those are five good ones for the food side. What about fiscal activity routines for the fall? We have five of those, Holly.

Holly Wyatt: Right. So, first one, plan an indoor activity. You know, we've been in the summer and we've been out a lot. And for me then, this transition, I tend to let my activity slip. But if I am proactive and I think about let me start to plan how I'm going to get some movement inside because I'm going to need to at some point, do it early in the fall, start to put that in as a regular routine. It's going to help with this transition.

Jim Hill: Cool. I love it. The second one, find a new fall podcast and walk during it. You combine learning with movement. I've got some suggestions for podcasts. I know one really good one that you might always walk while you're listening to weight loss and that's a good one. I actually do that while I'm biking, Holly. I key up my podcasts and sometimes I'll go for like a three-hour bike ride and I can get through a lot of podcasts.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. Just always be careful.

Jim Hill: Yeah. You have to be careful. Place where it's safe. But if you're in a lot of traffic, probably don't want to listen to anything.

Holly Wyatt: Right. But I get excited about this. Sometimes I'm like, okay, what is a new podcast or one that I already like that I can get excited about? And I'm only going to listen to it. When you move. When I'm out there walking.

Jim Hill: Or any kind of activity. You can listen to it while you're moving. That is the routine that we want you to develop.

Holly Wyatt: All right. The third one, I know this is going to be your favorite, Jim. I know you're picking this one. I can already tell. Treat yourself to a new fall fitness outfit. So like I said, this won't be for everybody, but for me, season's changing. I need to prepare.

I do not like to go out if it's cold at all. So I can get excited though, about going and getting an outfit that will help me with the transition and make me excited about getting out there. So something, some kind of new gear to motivate you.

Jim Hill: Wow. And you get to have some new things at the same time. So think about that. Something every fall, get yourself a new fitness outfit. I love it. All right. Four, go on a fall walking scavenger hunt. Now, this actually sounds like pretty fun.

You can do it with your kids or a family and a game sort of associated with movement, you know, around Halloween or Thanksgiving, a perfect time to look for a family activity and just have someone come up with things that you want to get and have the group go for a scavenger hunt. I think it's a great idea.

Holly Wyatt: This is one of the favorite things that my status limits do. I will develop a scavenger hunt list and I give it to them and they love to do it because why? They're not just going out to exercise. Now they're going out with a different purpose. They're going out kind of with a new awareness.

It's not because I got to get 30 minutes in or I need to walk a mile. Now I'm going out looking for pumpkins. I'm going out looking for people raking leaves. You You you have this list of things you're looking for and it just changes the whole feeling of it. And families do love it because I've even had people say their family members now say, what are we looking for today? You You what are we out there looking for? So just a way to switch it up and make it fun in the fall.

Jim Hill: So how do you develop scavenger lists? Maybe we should have our listeners sort of send in scavenger lists of fun things that you might come up with. So if this is something you choose, send us your scavenger lists and we'll share it with others.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. So think about things in the fall that, you know, cut that are kind of unique like, you know, pumpkins or certain jack-o-lanterns or Halloween decorations or leaves or even things I have people look for, look for the word fall.

It's so weird. You go out and you pass a lot of time. You can walk a long distance or whatever.

And you're not even recognizing that you're doing it because you're looking around for, oh my gosh, I got to see, I got to find the word fall. And the way we do it in State of Slim is you take a picture, Jim. So it's a selfie. You take a picture with it because, you know, nothing, you can't prove anything happened if you don't have a picture. And so take a picture, we post it and we get to see all the different pictures that are out there.

And you can also do it this last month. We did it with sounds and smells. So certain things in the summer that you could listen to, listen for or certain smells. So you can do it with things you can see, but you can also broaden this out. People love this. This is a fun one.

Jim Hill: So, you can't do it by surfing the internet though, right?

Holly Wyatt: No. And that's why I make them have a selfie. See, I'm onto them sometimes. Sometimes I was suspicious. I was suspicious or I would see the same picture being used multiple times. And I'm like, and sometimes we have a prize and all this, so they're competing. And so I'm like, oh, no, no, no, no. So that's why it's like a selfie with whatever it is because yes, you have to be there.

Jim Hill: Ah, make it tough.

Holly Wyatt: And you have to be moving. You have to be moving. It's an action scavenger hunt.

Jim Hill: I think people could really have fun with this one.

Holly Wyatt: I agree.

Jim Hill: What's the last one on activity?

Holly Wyatt: Last one is design a fall lifestyle activity challenge. And this is something we also do regularly in Stata Slim. So we pick something for the fall that we're going to do. And so it could be for the fall, I am going to take the stairs every single time I'm in a building or I'm going to park my car further out. Or you could even choose something like I'm going to try to do as many planks as I can. You You I'm going to be doing planks when I want to have a minute. I'm going to plank or when I'm watching TV, I'm going to plank a little bit or we do or we collect something called squat party squats. where you're sitting down on a chair and you're standing up. So something where you can add more movement just into your lifestyle. It's not a planned activity. It occurs randomly within your normal life that you're going to challenge yourself to collect or do as many of these things as you can.

Jim Hill: That's great. Well, good, good suggestions on the activity side.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. All right. So what do we got left? We got mindset routines.

Jim Hill: Mindset routines. All right, I'll go first. I like this one. Make a new supportive fall friend or group connections. Why? Because support makes a big difference. And we're always saying, you know, you're going to behave around those you hang out with. I love asking people to go out and look at different groups, walking groups, biking groups, even, you know, eating groups where you find some new folks that value the same kinds of things you do. So it's fun, first of all, but second, you're around people with the same values and that's going to be hugely supportive. So I love this one. I think each fall, if you made one new fall friend or one new group connections, that would be a wonderful routine to get into.

Holly Wyatt: This is one of my favorites. Like I said, when people are struggling, if they're saying I'm struggling, getting my activity minutes in or I'm struggling, find someone who is doing what you're trying to do and connect with them, right? Make them a new friend. And as adults, it's sometimes hard to find new friends. But if you make this a routine, you're like, every fall, I'm going to find one new friend or one new group. It really helps.

Jim Hill: It is. The Internet, again, makes it easy. There are all kinds of groups out there like, you know, I like to bike and you can go on a line and there are just tons of biking groups at different ages and, you know, different speeds and different distances. So play around a little bit and give one of these groups a try. If you don't like it, try another one.

Holly Wyatt: Now, here's what we're not saying because I already know this. We're not. It's it. The new group needs to be something that hopefully helps you with the behaviors you're trying to do. So if you found a new group and there what they do is they go out to happy hour every Friday night, that might not be the best group to join.

Jim Hill: So you don't want to join the potato chip club, right?

Holly Wyatt: Exactly. Exactly. Where they try new potato chips every week. No, that's not the club or the person that I want to want to connect with. If I'm trying to…

Jim Hill: Make sure you look for people that are trying to do the same things you are.

Holly Wyatt: Exactly.

Jim Hill: Live a healthy lifestyle.

Holly Wyatt: All right. The number two for the fall mindset routines is do something fun each week, each week in the fall that doesn't involve food. Do something fun in the fall that doesn't involve food. I started this one because I realized that so many people don't even know how to have fun if it doesn't involve food. And so get out there and try something. Figure out what else do you like besides eating and make sure you make some time to do it. So each week, one thing that's about fun, because like we talk about this losing weight, keeping it off should be fun. It doesn't have to be suffering and sacrifice. But sometimes we don't even know what that looks like.

Jim Hill: I like that one. All right. Number three, start a fall gratitude tree. Because again, we talk over and over about gratitude and how important it is for your mindset or your mind state and helps you stay positive. So this is something you may want to think about is getting in touch with those things that you're grateful for, people, things in your life.

Holly Wyatt: So I've always done a holiday gratitude tree and I literally have a tree. And every night I write one thing on a sticky note that I'm grateful for and I decorate the tree with it.

I've also seen people just do it on a piece of paper and every single night put one thing on there that they're grateful for. And then by the end of the season, and I'm this is saying, let's start it even earlier. We don't have to wait till the holidays to have a tree.

You can actually start this process even earlier, make it a routine to think about one thing you're grateful for each day and decorate the tree. Kids love this. I've seen kindergarten classes do this. You know, they all go up and put one thing on the tree that they're grateful for. It can become a family tradition. But we know that appreciation and gratitude, the mindset of appreciation, gratitude is associated with success. So this is a way of getting your mind right, which can help you in the fall with your weight goals.

Jim Hill: Love that. Love that. Our next one is right up your alley, Holly.

Holly Wyatt: Yes, I like this one. This is do one thing every week in the fall that makes you just a little uncomfortable. I call it a little fear in the fall. Kind of really keeps you growing and keeps things moving forward just to get outside of your comfort zone and not just get stuck. You know, so I like to push yourself a little bit, not too much, but just a little bit in the fall.

Jim Hill: Something that makes you uncomfortable, just a little bit uncomfortable. Okay, all right.

Holly Wyatt: Because I think when you do that, it keeps things exciting and moving forward. And that's what you really want. You don't want to be stuck in the same place.

Jim Hill: So challenge yourself a little bit.

Holly Wyatt: Challenge yourself. And so many times the things that make us uncomfortable when we actually do them, they're not that big a deal. But it's that fear that it might be uncomfortable or we might be embarrassed or it might not go well. That keeps us from doing something that actually could be very, very positive for us.

Jim Hill: Okay. And the last one then is learn something new in the fall. Learn a new dance. Get a new hobby. Take a new class that might relate a little bit to number four.

Some of these might make you a little bit uncomfortable. But the idea is to do something that sort of challenges your mind in the fall. You know, lots of activities out there. Maybe choose something you haven't ever done before. Try it and see if you like it.

Holly Wyatt: I think this also helps you see what things you like. Sometimes if you're not out there experiencing things and trying new things, you don't know what you don't know. And I think we're geared to change, to grow, to not be the same. But sometimes we need to take a little bit of an action step to allow that to happen. So by making this a fall routine, every fall I learn something new or I take a new class or I try something different.

I think really spices up the fall and can lead you kind of to that place where you're having fun and you're feeling good. And what that all kind of comes together in your success and actually helps with your weight success.

Jim Hill: Wow, so the mindset routines really make you think, looking at those, that's very interesting. So we've shared 15 routines, fall routines to help you make the most of this fall season. But remember, these are just suggestions so you can add new ones in each of these areas, a nutrition one, a physical activity one and a mindset one so you can choose one of ours or you can do one on your own.

Holly Wyatt: That's right. You can choose these. There's nothing magical about the ones that we came up with. There's just to give you ideas. But sometimes the best ones are the ones that you can pick for yourself. A lot of times we get the question, Jim, how do you decide? Let's say they do want to choose from our routines because they can't come up with any on their own or they don't want to come up with any on their own. How do you choose? Which one? Which routine do you pick?

Jim Hill: Good question. I give up. How do you pick?

Holly Wyatt: Well, I like to be strategic. I like to think about, you know, I can think back to past falls and where I've struggled. And if I struggled with my nutrition, staying on plan, then I might go for a, you know, for a routine that is centered around food or my nutrition. If I struggle with my physical activity, which I sometimes do in the fall with the change in the weather, I've been really outside and running a lot. And I know from my past that every fall I have this period where I kind of struggle getting back in the groove and getting those exercise minutes in. So that would mean for me, I might gravitate or choose a routine that's related to activity. So I think based on your past, you can kind of be strategic and you don't just randomly choose a routine. You can say, where have I struggled in the past or where am I struggling now? And choose a routine that can help you with that area.

Jim Hill: All right, Holly, we've gone through the routines. How about if we take some listener questions?

Holly Wyatt: Sure, let's do it.

Jim Hill: All right. Listener question number one with Janine. How do I make sure these routines stick? The thing about routines is you need to do them over and over and over.

When you first start them, they're not automatic. You have to think about it each time. But the more you do it, the more it becomes routine. So the way you make something routine, you do it, you do it the same way each time. And after a time, it becomes much more routine. You don't have to use as much cognitive energy to decide to do it.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. And some of these won't necessarily become like a true habit where you never have to think about them, but it will become easier. And I do think it's that consistency that you're talking about that allows them to be easier over time. Also tying them to other things. Sometimes when I'm having trouble remembering a routine, I'll tie it to something that's easy for me that I already do. That can be helpful. But I agree, consistency. And then I think also making it fun. Sometimes I even write myself notes to remember. I think there's lots of things you can do.

Jim Hill: Okay. Take another one?

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. All right. I got this one. This one looks like it's from Sarah. What if I don't like a routine? I start doing it. I don't like it or it hasn't worked. And I've been trying it for a couple of weeks. What should I do?

Jim Hill: Well, again, not every routine is going to work. And the idea is to try some and figure out what works for you. Give it a good try. So if you do it three times and say it in working, that's not enough time to do a routine. But if you do it three times and you say, no, this is not really a routine that's for me, that's OK. Do another one. The whole idea is to make healthy eating, regular physical activity and a healthy mindset automatic. So the thing with routines is try them. Try them and see which ones you like and which ones you stick with. And if you like it and stick with it after a time, it very, very likely can be automatic.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. Sometimes I tweak it. If there's something I like about it, but there's something the timing is that working exactly right or there's a piece of it, you can kind of tweak it. I think the beauty is that they are flexible, that they're not, you know, they don't have to be just one way. You can individualize them.

You're in control. You can make adjustments and figure out what works best for you. And if it's not working, then don't do it. You know, in our classes, sometimes people will say, this is the best routine. And there'll be this routine where they get up at five a.m. in the morning and they do this and someone else says, oh, my gosh, that doesn't work for me at all. And I'm like, then don't do it. Then don't do it.

Jim Hill: If you're not an early morning riser, that wasn't a good routine to get into.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah, you try it out. See, sometimes you don't know. But then if it doesn't work, then let's not use it.

Jim Hill: Yeah, that's right.

Holly Wyatt: All right. What do we have now? Oh, one more question. I think Jim was there one more there.

Jim Hill: Oh, yeah. Do you have any tips? It's from Jim. It's from a listener named Jim. This isn't me. Although it's a good question. Do you have any tips for balancing routines with a busy schedule? Well, I think this is the whole key. You have to be realistic about it and find routines that do fit into your busy schedule. So if you find that, I don't know, in the morning, you always have a 10-minute break and you can add a routine there. Or like you said, in the morning, when you get up, the routine of weighing yourself, hook routines into your schedule. You know, you probably aren't going to totally redo your schedule. So look at how you fit these routines into your schedule rather than, you know, making big changes in your schedule to fit in the routines.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah, I said, be clever. Yeah, that's what I always tell them. I said, let's be clever. Let's think about how we can put these in there easily. Sometimes you can combine things so it doesn't take more time. It's a routine you're putting in that just actually fits in with something you're already doing. So you're not adding, you're just being clever with it. I think there's lots of things you can do when you really sit down and think about it that won't necessarily take more time. We all have busy schedules that you can be clever about and figure out how to actually save you some time by doing them.

Jim Hill: Okay, good. All right. What's next, Holly?

Holly Wyatt: Well, I think it's the time for the vulnerability question. We promised that we would talk about what routines we're going to do. We're going to walk the walk, right? Not just talk to talk.

Jim Hill: Yeah, you go first because yours are probably easy.

Holly Wyatt: Well, it's probably not fair because I wrote a lot of these and these are ones that I like to do. So I had a hard time.

Jim Hill: Just tell them which ones you're going to do.

Holly Wyatt: I would probably I do a lot of them. But the one I'm going to do for sure that I'm a little bit nervous about. So it's a little bit of a fear. Those with the do something in the fall that you fear, do something that's uncomfortable.

It also helps with my physical activity in the fall that I know starts to fall off. So there's a new group. Well, it's a new group for me in Birmingham, and they run every Thursday night from different breweries. Now, I've got to be careful there because I don't necessarily want to, you know.

Jim Hill: It's combining two activities.

Holly Wyatt: Well, right. I don't know that I want to start drinking beer, but they run before. And so I thought Thursday nights, meet up with these new people, new social connections. So I'm kind of doing that to meet a new group. So I'm doing that one, a new group that I've not met a running group.

Help me keep my running going in the fall and then doing something that's a little bit fear-based. Because it's always, you know, I'm going to I already looked at the group. I stalked them on Facebook and they're like the Thursday night Birmingham runners. And I stalked them on Facebook and I'm definitely one of the older runners.

I have no idea how fast they run. So I could be I could be way behind. But you know what? I'm going to do it anyway. That's that's what I'm going to do. That's that routine where you do a little bit of fear in the fall. All right, Jim, you're up.

Jim Hill: Oh, I thought I had to pick one in each. I can just pick one?

Holly Wyatt: Yeah, I'm just going to have you pick one. I mean, baby steps with you baby steps.

Jim Hill: Yeah, this was hard. But you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to do the fall snack. I'm going to do a Greek yogurt-based snack. I'm going to I'm going to Google Bark to see what that is. I still don't understand, but I'm going to figure out something there. That’s what I'm going to do.

Holly Wyatt: All right, we're going to hold you to that. What I want to see is a picture. OK, and a recipe. And we're going to post that so that everybody can see this fall satiety snack that you are you're coming up with that's something that you're going to have to like it. You'd have to be something that tastes good. So all right, all right, we'll we'll do that. I can't wait to see what you what you come up with.

Jim Hill: All right. And you can give us a picture of you having a beer after you run.

Holly Wyatt: I don't have to have a beer. I'm going to run. I'm not sure I'm going to have the beer. That's probably starting a habit.

Jim Hill: If you run, you deserve the beer.

Holly Wyatt: I don't know that's a habit I want to start. So I'm not sure about that one. But I like I like the group. All right, so what's next?

Jim Hill: I think let's wrap it up.

Holly Wyatt: No, Jim. No, see, I knew you were going to do this. I knew you were going to do this. So we said we promised we were going to have some fun with this. We promised them that we were going to let them, our listeners, pick one of the 15 routines that they wanted us to try for two weeks and report back.

Jim Hill: Oh, I bet they want me to get a new outfit.

Holly Wyatt: I don't know. But so we picked one. We picked one. Now they get to pick one for us and we're going to report back. So go to Send us which of these ball routines you want us to do. We'll let you know in a couple of weeks which one wins. And then we'll let you know how it goes. And you can do it with us. I would love it for you all to do it with us.

Jim Hill: Okay, well, that sounds like it could be fun. Listeners, pick a good one for me. All right, now's the time to wrap up. So this was a fun podcast. I think we really got some fun things to do. And that's the whole idea. Your weight loss journey doesn't have to be hard and something you just hate. You can make it interesting. And some of these routines will allow you to do that. So choose routines that are simple and enjoyable. If you don't enjoy it, you don't want to have a routine to do it. Make it simple. Hook it to other things.

That's great. Start small and build on your successes. It takes a while for a behavior to become a routine. So give it a while and over time it'll become more and more automatic. And focus on creating a fall season that's both fun and transformative.

Both things. You really want to succeed in your weight loss journey, but you also want it to be as much fun as possible. And I think some of these routines can do it.

Holly Wyatt: Yeah. And don't forget, we want to hear from you. Tell us what routines you're going to be doing, and how they work out. Make sure you tell us what routine you want to you want to hear about us doing. So we would love for you to send us questions. Remember, you can do that at Hello at Or you can go to the website, and contact us there.

Jim Hill: Okay. And keep listening because pretty soon we're going to reveal which routines you voted for us to try. And we'll tell you how we're doing on that.

Holly Wyatt: I really want the outfit too, guys. So come on, let's go for the outfit.

Jim Hill: All right. So thanks for tuning in, everybody. Here's to a fall season, fun of new routines, and forward momentum. So see you next time on Weight Loss And.

Holly Wyatt: Bye.

Jim Hill: And that's a wrap for today's episode of Weight Loss and. We hope you enjoy diving into the world of weight loss with us.

Holly Wyatt: If you want to stay connected and continue exploring the “Ands” of weight loss, be sure to follow our podcast on your favorite platform.

Jim Hill: We'd also love to hear from you. Share your thoughts, questions, or topic suggestions by reaching out at Your feedback helps us tailor future episodes to your needs.

Holly Wyatt: And remember, the journey doesn't end here. Keep applying the knowledge and strategies you've learned and embrace the power of the “And” in your own weight loss journey.